The novel follows the story of twin sisters Cath and Wren as they begin college. Throughout their teen years, the two of them experienced their own literary obsession with a series of books featuring characters named Simon and Baz. Cath has become a very popular and prolific author of fan fiction related to the series, and continues this into college. Wren? Not so much. She has other things to think about - like guys and alcohol. Silly Wren.
Cath clearly uses Simon and Baz as a kind of coping mechanism and I'm cool with that because I found her to be so totally likeable - and relatable. Let's face it: if you're a big reader (the kind of person who reads excessively and perhaps, writes a book review blog) there's a pretty good chance you have a lot of nerdy tendencies. Along with that, you may be a bit on the anxiety-riddled side. I know I am. So when we learn that Cath has brought along several boxes of protein bars and a giant jar of peanut butter because she's afraid to confront the unfamiliar territory of the dining hall, I could totally relate. This made me feel comfortable, like Cath and I were sharing some struggles.
Will Cath remain cloistered in her room, friendless, loveless, sisterless? Of course not. Enter Levi, her roommate's sort of boyfriend. Levi is one of the most pleasant male characters I've ever encountered - considerate, sweet, as friendly as a puppy. Watching their relationship develop was one of the highlights of the book.
I can't say I was a super big fan of the fan fiction and, frankly, I started skimming it after a while. That said, I don't feel that it was a hindrance to enjoying the book at all.
LAME FACTOR: 0 of 5 without a doubt
BRAIN POWER: Well written but accessible to all.

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