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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

What is wrong with me? Why didn’t I read this book sooner - like a year ago when another teacher told me it was great?

The Hunger Games is awesome. Its main character, Katniss Everdeen, is amazing: resourceful, intelligent, independent. What is there not to like?

Set in post-Apocalyptic North America - and let me just say, I hope I’m not around when that happens - The Hunger Games involves people struggling to survive in the worst of circumstances. Katniss Everdeen is just a kid when her father is killed in an explosion. Left with a mother who has fallen into a semi-catatonic state and a delicate little sister, Katniss needs to take control if her family is going to survive. Arming herself first with small traps and later with bows and arrows, Katniss sets off towards the woods, determined to keep her family from starving.

If that were the worst Katniss had to face that would be - well, boring. Ha! Bring on the Hunger Games, a Roman coliseum inspired competition that pits child against child in a fight to the death. Now that’s cool.

Without letting you know what happens (because YOU should read it for yourself), let’s just say that Katniss rises to the occasion, becoming one of the truly kick-ass heroines of YA lit.

LAME FACTOR: A giant 0 out of 5. No one is lame in The Hunger Games.

YOUR PARENTS WILL FREAK FACTOR: The Hunger Games is pretty violent, but nothing outrageous - you know, like a videogame.

BRAIN POWER: The Hunger Games is very well written - but you’ll manage, won’t you, Children?

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