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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jane Eyre - The Greatest Book Ever is Once Again a Movie!

I'd like to believe that you will read Jane Eyre one day, but experience tells me otherwise. In the meantime, there is this new movie that looks like the best version of Jane Eyre that I've seen in a really long time (William Hurt and Charlotte Gainsbourg - really!?). It has just the right amount of dark creepiness, mystery, and romance. Here in the cultural wasteland that is Long Island, the movie comes out on 3/25/11. If you live in the civilized world, it's already out.

Do you feel inspired by this clip, but not inspired enough to read the original? How about reading the modern version, Jane, by April Lindner? Read my 3/12/11 post about that one.

1 comment:

  1. I am really trying to read it. I am trying to love it. But so far I am disappointed. I still have a little left to go and i heard the end is magnificent.
